UM/OTT API calls for Publisher Lift

API updates and articles

Lift Summary

OTT lift is intended to give OTT clients an incremental lift metric that gets at the causal impact of their OTT ads on consumer behavior. Like linear lift, we want to know the effect OTT impressions have on a client's conversions.

This version of lift is at the all-OTT level. This means we’re comparing people exposed to OTT ads who converted, to similar people who converted but did not see an ad on OTT


The below API call will return Lift by UM/OTT aggregated for all publishers. Similar to other conversion endpoints, the API call can be filtered by conversions types.{Site_ID}/ott/lift/summary?page[number]=1&page[size]=100&sort=-lift_percent&filter[start_date]=2021-12-24&filter[end_date]=2022-01-06&filter[conversion_type]=!ANY&filter[conversion_application]=!ANY


Lift by Publisher

For extra granularity, replace summary with publisher. Sample data below.{Site_ID}/ott/lift/publisher?page[number]=1&page[size]=100&sort=-lift_percent&filter[start_date]=2021-12-24&filter[end_date]=2022-01-06&filter[conversion_type]=!ANY&filter[conversion_application]=!ANY


sample data


Lift by Publisher and Date{Site_ID}/ott/lift/publisher/dates?page[number]=1&page[size]=100&sort=-lift_percent&filter[start_date]=2021-12-24&filter[end_date]=2022-01-06&filter[conversion_type]=!ANY&filter[conversion_application]=!ANY